
Climate Action Work 

The Esplanade Association is currently developing a Climate Action Plan for release based on our 2021 Climate Action Statement. Read our Statement here, and below, learn more about our forthcoming Climate Action Plan: 

Climate Statement 

In accordance with our longstanding commitment to maintain and enhance the Charles River Esplanade in Boston, the Esplanade Association recognizes the civic responsibility we have to fortify these 64 acres in the face of a changing climate.   

While continuing our successful partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and deepening our engagement with all who care about this state park, the Esplanade Association commits to the following actions:  

  1. Enhance our stewardship of the Esplanade’s ecosystem to foster resiliency, biodiversity, and human health.  
  2. Ensure our outreach and educational, cultural, and recreational programs incorporate environmental justice principles.  
  3. Achieve carbon neutrality in the park and as an organization by 2030.  

We must act now to secure a more resilient Esplanade, for all!

The Esplanade Association is a proud member of the Boston Green Ribbon Commission and the Coalition for a Resilient and Inclusive Waterfront.  

Climate Action Plan  

The comprehensive plan we are developing will detail the goals, strategies, and actions to be implemented in the park, in order to increase the Esplanade’s resilience and meet the needs of future generations of Esplanade visitors. At the forefront of the Climate Action Plan, we will focus on resiliency, inclusion, and carbon neutrality. While we are currently engaged in this strategic effort, we can share that the final Plan will include measures such as:    

  • Organizational participation in the Green Ribbon Commission, a group of institutional and civic leaders in Boston working to develop shared strategies for fighting climate change  
  • Consulting stakeholders, partners, and community members on best practices   
  • Developing an internal working group to help catalyze our organizational actions   
  • Evaluating our current commitments towards a greener future, such as the L.E.A.F (Lasting Esplanade Arbor Fund) initiative and Shoreline Restoration strategy  
  • Collecting and analyzing emissions data, energy consumption, and waste generation to support actions that reduce our environmental impact  

Please direct any comments, questions, or concerns to Rachel Surette, Project Operations & Sustainability Coordinator, and check back here later this year for more updates on the Climate Action Plan!