Considering Boston’s frigid winter days, it may be tempting to stay inside until the snow starts to melt. Do so, and you’ll miss seeing the Esplanade during a special time of year. There’s something especially beautiful about the fields and gardens draped in snow, and ice glittering on the rocks at the banks of the lagoons. Bundle up and get outside!

Here are ten ways you can enjoy the Esplanade in winter:

  1. SNOWSHOE Snowshoe along the shoreline, on which EA staff and volunteers remove invasive plants, and replant to prevent erosion.
  2. WALK YOUR DOG Bring your dog to see the newly restored Lotta Fountain. The dog on the top of the statue, a schipperke breed, sports a coat of warm fur.
  3. RIDE YOUR BIKE Ride your bike past the Mass. Ave Bridge to see the Patterned Behavior Art Mural. The bright colors will chase away the winter blues!
  4. RUN OR JOG Run or jog to the Teddy Ebersol Fields, built in a partnership between EA, Hill House, and the DCR in 2006.
  5. PLAY The playgrounds are open year-round for kids to enjoy! The Esplanade Association maintains and repairs both the Stoneman Playground and Esplanade Playspace.
  6. TAKE PHOTOS Take a panoramic photo of the icy Charles River from Fiedler Dock, completed with funding from the Esplanade Association in 2008.
  7. BIRD WATCHING Our native plants and healthy tree canopy attract birds of a variety of species. Birds recently spotted in the Park include Red-Tailed Hawks, Blue Herons, and the Tufted Titmouse.
  8. CROSS COUNTRY SKI 3 ½ miles of linear Park make for great cross-country skiing! Find the upper boundary of the Esplanade at the BU Bridge.
  9. BUILD A SNOWMAN Are your kids still obsessed with Frozen? Build your own Olaf after the next big snowstorm.
  10. HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT Call your neighbors, friends, and family, and find an open patch of space on the Esplanade for a snowball fight. You’ll warm up while dodging the snow.